破碎群岛探路者,第一章(Broken Isles Pathfinder, Part One)


一、破碎群岛探索者:(Broken Isles Explorer)
                               1.探索阿苏纳(成就)(Explore Azsuna)
                               2.探索至高岭(成就)(Explore Highmountain)
                               3.探索苏拉玛(成就)(Explore Suramar)
                               4.探索瓦尔莎拉(成就)Explore Val'sharah
                               5.探索风暴峡湾(成就)Explore Stormheim

二、军团博学者:(Loremaster of Legion)

                                    军团阵线的后方 Behind Legion Lines
                                    保卫蓝翼栖地 Defending Azurewing Repose
                                    阿苏纳对艾萨拉 Azsuna versus Azshara
                                    对抗巨人 Against the Giants
                                    玛拉纳和女王的复仇号的命运 Mak'rana and the Fate of the Queen's Reprisal
                                    黑鸦堡垒 Black Rook Hold
                                    蛙鱼溪 Bradensbrook
                                    谷地大德鲁伊 Archdruid of the Vale
                                    利爪大德鲁伊 Archdruid of the Claw
                                    深入梦魇 Into the Nightmare
                                    经历梦魇 All Nightmare Long
                                    传承大德鲁伊 Archdruid of Lore
                   3.微酷的故事:(成就)Vrykul Story, Bro    
                                     格雷迈恩的尝试 Greymane's Gambit
                                     后果 The Aftermath
                                     力量试炼 The Trial of Might
                                     意志试炼 The Trial of Will
                                     勇气试炼 The Trial of Valor
                                     冥狱深渊之旅 To Helheim and Back
                                     女武神的秘密 Secrets of the Shieldmaidens
                                     风暴峡湾的勇士 The Champion of Stormheim
                   4.苏拉玛楷模:(成就)Good Suramaritan
                                     完成下列苏拉玛故事线。 加粗  
                                     古老的礼物 An Ancient Gift
                                     残月酒馆 The Waning Crescent
                                     鲜血与美酒 Blood and Wine                              
                                     王佐之才 Statecraft
                                     日益严重的危机 Growing Crisis
                                     季节的变换 Change of Seasons
                                     突破碎光之地 Breaking The Lightbreaker
                                     护月堡垒 Moon Guard Stronghold
                                     泰安诺的麻烦 Tidying Tel'anor
                                     四色祝福包 Eminent Grow-main
                                     贾德维克的族长 Jandvik's Jarl
                    5.一山更比一山高:(成就) Ain't No Mountain High Enough
                                     河鬃部族 The Rivermane Tribe                                   
                                     河湾 Riverbend                                                                       
                                     天角部族 The Skyhorn Tribe
                                     鲜血图腾部族 The Bloodtotem Tribe
                                     胡恩之战 Huln's War
                                     至高岭的秘密 Secrets of Highmountain
                                     雪盲台地之战 Battle of Snowblind Mesa
三、变化是生活的调味品:(Variety is the Spice of Life)
                       变化是生活的调味品 Variety is the Spice of Life                                    
                       [法罗迪斯宫廷]到崇敬(声望) Court of Farondis (Revered)               
                       [高岭部族]到崇敬(声望) Highmountain Tribe (Revered)
                       [堕夜精灵]到崇敬(声望) The Nightfallen (Revered)
                       [织梦者]到崇敬(声望) The Dreamweavers (Revered)
                       [瓦拉加尔]到崇敬(声望) The Valarjar (Revered)
                       [守望者]到崇敬(声望) The Wardens (Revered)


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